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Title: Universidade Multicampi - 25 anos de ensino superior regionalizado no Pará: entrevista com Rita de Nazaré Véras de Oliveira
Author(s): Fontes, Edilza Joana Oliveira
Conception: Este material foi concebido pela professora doutora Edilza Joana Oliveira Fontes que coordena o Projeto Universidade Multicampi e desenvolvido em parceria com o Projeto Academia Amazônia da Faculdade de Comunicação da UFPA.
Publication date: 2012
Description: The Multicampi University project is about the interiorization process of Learning of the Federal University of Pará, initiated in the 1980’s, during the dean José Seixas Lourenço’s administration (1985 – 1989). In the initial stage, the priority was given to the bachelor degree courses in Languages, Mathematics, History, Geography and Pedagogy. The project, besides qualifying outsider teachers, gave work opportunity for those who already had a major. The courses had interval format and gave the towns of Abaetetuba, Altamira, Castanhal, Marabá, Santarém e Soure, which were selected according to the economic development research made by the State, access to the higher education. At first, the process was independent, only receiving support from the Ministry of Education (MEC) years later after its implementation, in the 1990’s, and amplifying its action field in the 2000’s. In this content there is the interview given by the Professor Rita de Nazaré Véras de Oliveira, who works as a student coordinator at the Pro-Rectory of Graduation Teaching at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) nowadays. She has degree in Pedagogy, she is a specialist in Education and she has master’s degree in Social Work by the UFPA. In this interview, the professor talks about her basic education and her teaching, her trajectory as a professor and at the administrative section during the high school until she enters into the Pedagogy course of the UFPA. She also mentions her participation in administrative activities in the Interiorization.
Subject: Multicampi Project
Teacher’s training
College education
Original idiom: pt_BR
Time / Size: Parte 1: 10min
Parte 2: 08min e 03seg
Parte 3: 09min e 38seg
Parte 4: 11min e 26seg
Credits: Coordenação Executiva: Silva, Maira de Lourdes da.
Roteiro de entrevista: Fontes, Edilza Joana Oliveira.
Entrevistadora: Fontes, Edilza Joana Oliveira.
Coordenação Geral da Produção Videográfica: Malcher, Maria Ataide.
Produção Executiva: Rodrigues, Clareana; Silva, Edenice Pereira da; Miranda, Fernanda Chocron; Carvalho, Vanessa Brasil de.
Produção: Fadel, Ana Caroline; Rodrigues, Clareana; Silva, Edenice Pereira da; Miranda, Fernanda Chocron; Amorim, Gabriela; Dias, Geisa. Gomes, Gleidson Wirllen Bezerra; Reale, Manuella Vieira; Costa, Natália; Silva, Rodrigo Antonio; Guedes, Suelen Miyuki Alves; Lopes, Suzana Cunha; Neves, Thiane; Pinho, Uriel; Carvalho, Vanessa Brasil de.
Reference: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ. Reitoria. Universidade Multicampi - 25 anos de ensino superior regionalizado no Pará: entrevista Rita de Nazaré Véras de Oliveira. Belém: UFPA, 2012. 1 vídeo (39min e 07seg). Disponível em: <http://www.multimidia.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/321654/1062>. Acesso em:
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported da Creative Commons.
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