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Title: Educação sem fronteiras na Amazônia: trajetória e perspectivas da educação a distância da UFPA (versão multimídia)
Author(s): Leite, Selma Dias.
Malcher, Maria Ataide.
Seixas, Netília Silva dos Anjos.
Paula, Leandro Raphael N. de.
Conception: Este conteúdo foi concebido pela equipe do Projeto Academia Amazônia em parceria com a Assessoria de Educação a Distância da UFPA.
Publication date: 2010
Abstract: This electronic magazine presents the multimedia material which integrates the project Education without Frontiers at the Amazon: trajectory and perspectives of the UFPA distance learning. In this resource, it is possible to interact, in an alinear and simultaneous way, with book texts and also photos, audios and videos, which tell the trajectory of the distance learning at the Federal University of Pará. The book is divided in four main parts. In a first moment, the book presents the context of implantation of the distance learning of the institution in the beginning of the decade of 1990, the aspects which motivated the EaD implantation in a pioneer way in the country, the first experiences of the institution. In the second part, the actions which allowed the institutionalization of the UFPA proposal are presented. In the third part of the book, the reader checks in a detailed way the process of the implantation of the courses offered by the institution at distance mode, in graduation and specialization level. At the final of the book, there is an open chapter, in which the authors initiated the record of the possibilities and perspectives of the distance learning at the UFPA in the next years.
Subject: Information and Communication Technology
Distance Learning Advisory (AEDi)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
Distance education
Original idiom: pt_BR
Credits: Colaboração: Miranda, Fernanda Chocron.
Revisão: Seixas, Netília Silva dos Anjos.
Direção de Arte e Autoria gráfica: Rose Pepe Produções e Design.
Reference: LEITE, Selma Dias; MALCHER, Maria Ataide; SEIXAS, Netília Silva dos Anjos; PAULA, Leandro Raphael N. de. Educação sem fronteiras na Amazônia: trajetória e perspectivas da educação a distância da UFPA (versão multimídia). Belém: UFPA, 2010. Disponível em: <http://www.multimidia.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/321654/1102>. Acesso em: .
License: Este trabalho está licenciado sob a Licença Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported da Creative Commons.
Note: A publicação acompanha quatro DVDs com conteúdos multimídia complementares ao livro.
Source: http://www.mmwd.com/esfna/
Appears in Collections:Revista Eletrônica

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